October Male Athlete of the Month

Full name: Charles Andrews
When did you join: May 15th (Opening Day)
Occupation: Affiliate Marketing/Small Business Owner
What Is your spirit animal? Brady Mora Fused with Rich Froning
Biggest Motivation: To be the best athlete I can be, win competitions (Beating Brady in a WOD)
Favorite Quote: It pays to be a winner
Favorite Workout Fuel: XS Preworkout mix
Favorite lift: Clean and Jerk
Least favorite Lift: Front squats
Favorite Workout so Far: EMOM Wednesdays. They tend to be the hardest.
Athlete's Goals:
Personal Goal: Increase savings, Read two books, Give more
Professional Goals: An immediate goal of mine is to add a quality business partner to my organization.
Athletic Goals: 5 Bar muscle ups in a row, Run 2 miles nonstop
Why do you like MC CROSSFIT
Great People
Great coaching
Amazing Facility
Elite programming