Male Athlete of the Month - November

Full Name: Patrick Crorkin
When did you join: May 2017
Occupation: Husband, father, lawn mower, kitty pooper scooper, dishwasher…and business executive with Cerner Corp.
What is your spirt animal: The Badger….for my alma mater, University of Wisconsin
BIggest Motivation: Stay feeling youthful and exuberant so I can keep up with my wife, Winnie.
Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” –Wayne Gretzky
Favorite Workout fuel: Swear by Cellucor C4
Favorite lift: I am a traditionalist….my fav is clean and jerk
Least favorite lift: No doubt it’s Thrusters
Favorite workout so far: Grace
Athlete of the month goals
1. Pursue the things I have passion for with the woman I love
2. Raise my kids to be respectful, pursue their passions and make a positive contribution to world
I love working for Cerner and pursuing our mission of improving health care delivery and the health of our communities. My goal is to keep doing what I love and continue to wake up excited and motivated to take on whatever challenges I face.
Short term: Improve my ranking in 2018 Crossfit games over 2017 results.
Long term: Keep up my workout regimen to maintain my health and good physical condition so we can travel in retirement.
Why do you choose MC CrossFit? Love it here. The facility, leadership and social events are great, but best part is the people…it’s a great community!