Male Athlete of the Month - December

Full Name: Michael Lancaster
When did you join: July, 2017
Occupation: Operations Manager for Master's Transportation
What is your spirit animal: Wolf
Biggest Motivation: The mirror
Favorite quote: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
Favorite Workout fuel: Literally anything with Peter Pan honey roasted peanut butter
Favorite lift: Squat snatch
Least favorite lift: Backsquat
Favorite workout so far: This is tough. It is a toss up between DT or 21-15-9 Thrusters and bar facing burpees
Athlete of the month goals
Personal: Get back to 200lbs
Professional: Assume responsibilities of operations at all of our locations nationwide
Athletic: strict pull ups, double unders, 220 lb snatch, 250 clean, 2:30 Grace time
Why do you choose MC CrossFit? The people, everywhere you look there is athletes that are committed to becoming better. We all want to surround ourselves with hard working, successful people, and that is what we have at MC. Coaching is excellent. The open gym on Sundays has been extremely helpful in allowing myself to practice and become better.