Join us for a 2022 Post-Open Party
We are quickly approaching our third and last week of 2022 Crossfit Open. It's been fun to come together as a Community to support each other and test our fitness against in this international series of workouts. (Remember, the theme for this last week is Tye-Dye!)
As you know, workouts are released on Thursdays of each week and this week's workout has not yet been announced. However, we ARE planning on a Community event after Friday Night Lights to commence this year's Open. This will be a Potluck, so please bring a dish to share with your gym-homies. MCXF will be providing some pizzas too. It's been a fun 2022 Open and we hope you're ready to celebrate!

We'll plan on kicking off as soon as the last heat of workouts wraps-up. Come as early as you're able for your workout, support others, and stay for some food and fun!

We are fortunate to have a wide spectrum of athletes in our community that participate in the Open with various goals. We look forward to seeing you this Friday to wrap up the Open in the MCXF fashion of supporting each other and celebrating time together with good friends!
See you then!
Stronger. Together.