August Male Athlete of the Month

Robert Fromong - August Male Athlete of the Month
Our first male athlete of the month is, Robert Fromong! There hasn't been one day Robert has entered MC CrossFit with anything less than a great attitude and work ethic. Robert's drive to be better has been seen by many and he is a huge inspiration to others.
Scroll down for more information about Robert.
Full Name: Robert Fromong
When did you join: May 2017
Occupation: Residential Review Appraiser
What is your spirit animal: With an August Birthday (Leo) then a Lyon will be my Spirit Animal
Biggest Motivation: My Biggest Motivation is be as healthy as I can be.
Favorite quote: As my Tervis cup says "Sore Today and Strong Tomorrow"
Favorite Workout Fuel: Chocolate Mint Cookie protein powder from the Supplement Super Store.
Favorite lift: Like to rock out on Dead Lifts and least favorite is the Front Rack Position Lifts as currently have minimal mobility in my wrists.
Favorite workout: Favorite workouts is doing "Partner Workouts"
Athlete of the Month Goals:
Personal goals: Changing up my diet to limit summer desserts
Professional goals: In our office this is one of our peak months, so with potential overtime will create Balance between work and MC Workouts at my typical weekly pace.
Athletic Goals: Improve running endurance with limited pain.
Why do I Choose MC Cross Fit:
With my last gym closing unexpectedly myself like many others looked to replicate the gym family type of a feel. This is what I have found at MC Cross Fit with meeting new members plus still connecting with athletes from the past. Others help out with motivation and cheering you on as needed.
Always fun and makes me leave with a Smile!